Its overriding aim was and remains, “to work with and enable communities to improve their quality of life and be more resilient.“
Two of the key areas that it focuses its attention on are Health & Wellbeing and Education & Employability.
Internet Access is essential
As both access to health services and access to educational resources have increasingly become an “on line” only option, having an internet connection at home has moved rapidly from being a “nice to have,” to an essential resource.
There are barriers for some families in Blackburn to access the internet
For many families on lower or uncertain incomes however, cost and long-term contract has proved an insurmountable barrier, a problem brought into sharp focus by the various Covid-19 restrictions.
6G Internet has always adopted the principle of “internet for all” and has committed to make up to 20% of its network available free of charge.
Linking with IMO is therefore a natural fit.
“Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the prevalence of digital exclusion within our communities, especially amongst vulnerable groups. So, being able to work with “6G Internet” to identify and secure free internet access and keep them connected has been invaluable to the families we are supporting through this crisis.”
Stephen Jones – Chief Executive IMO
Working to provide internet access to families across Blackburn
6G Internet are delighted to be working with IMO and will continue to do so to achieve the shared aim of ensuring that the internet is a resource for all.
If you would like to work with our “6G Internet for everyone” programme, please contact us at or email Ian Clough at