The Blackburn based Inspire Motivate Overcome (IMO) charity initially began its work in 2006.

IMO Charity

Its overriding aim was and remains, “to work with and enable communities to improve their quality of life and be more resilient.

Two of the key areas that it focuses its attention on are Health & Wellbeing and Education & Employability.

Internet Access is essential

As both access to health services and access to educational resources have increasingly become an “on line” only option, having an internet connection at home has moved rapidly from being a “nice to have,” to an essential resource.

There are barriers for some families in Blackburn to access the internet

For many families on lower or uncertain incomes however, cost and long-term contract has proved an insurmountable barrier, a problem brought into sharp focus by the various Covid-19 restrictions.

6G Internet has always adopted the principle of “internet for all” and has committed to make up to 20% of its network available free of charge.

Linking with IMO is therefore a natural fit.

Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the prevalence of digital exclusion within our communities, especially amongst vulnerable groups. So, being able to work with “6G Internet” to identify and secure free internet access and keep them connected has been invaluable to the families we are supporting through this crisis.”

Stephen Jones – Chief Executive IMO

Working to provide internet access to families across Blackburn

6G Internet are delighted to be working with IMO and will continue to do so to achieve the shared aim of ensuring that the internet is a resource for all.

If you would like to work with our “6G Internet for everyone” programme, please contact us at or email Ian Clough at

6G Internet for everyone

Helping Age UK to Bridge the Digital Divide

Age UK Blackburn and DarwenAge UK are committed to providing life enhancing services to older people in the community.

Befriending services, advice services and neighbourly volunteering are just a few examples of the fantastic help they provide for the elderly.

Their digital buddies support older people in becoming more tech savvy, which has never been more relevant and important as now, during the current pandemic.

With this in mind, 6G Internet identified a way to help older people who are digitally excluded and missing out on this valuable support.

John Verity, Age UK Blackburn and Darwen Digital Inclusion Development Manager said;

Lack of affordable broadband is one of the main factors that leads to digital exclusion amongst older people. Working with 6G Internet as partners has enabled Age UK Blackburn with Darwen to help older people to get connected free of charge. This allows them to experience the many benefits of digital technology such as keeping in touch with friends and family, shopping online and using health services online

According to the Office for National Statistics, over two thirds of the digitally excluded are over 65 years of age.

6G Internet believe there should be Internet for All and work tirelessly to achieve this by donating 20% of internet bandwidth to disadvantaged and socially excluded groups.

Many essential services are now carried out online, such as ordering prescriptions and applying for benefits. Older people without internet access, are being left behind and are at huge disadvantage compared with their online peers.

6G Internet’s free internet, along with the IT courses provided by Age UK, mean that people have access to the necessary resources and don’t need to feel out of their depth online.

Once connected, Social Networks become within reach. This means the elderly can stay in touch with loved ones, swap photos and Social Isolation can feel that little bit less lonely.

6G Internet are committed to bridging the digital divide and look forward to a future where there is 6G Internet for everyone.

Blackburn families offered free broadband to help during pandemic

Blackburn families are being connected to free superfast broadband to help ensure pupils and their parents can access online support during COVID-19.

Thanks to a partnership between 6G Internet and , families without home internet are provided with free connections and equipment.

Part of 6G Internet’s commitment to donate 20% of its network to social causes, the scheme aims to give pupils the best chance of progressing at school while they’re stuck at home, while also offering families more opportunities to access support during the lockdown.

Keyworker Nathan Morrison has two sons and was connected to 6G Internet after being contacted by Longshaw Community Junior School, where his eldest, Franklin, 10, attends.

He said: “We’ve always used our phone data at home for our laptop, but it was extremely slow and the data would always run out so quickly.

“Since we’ve had the broadband connection it’s made a massive difference during lockdown. Franklin loves playing outside so it was tough before – but the kids are much happier now.

“Franklin has been able to learn from the school’s website and research projects online. He’s recently been learning about the fashions from different eras like the Tudors and Victorians and he loves it.

“It’s also been a life saver for keeping them entertained while we’re stuck at home.”

The scheme has also helped the family of two boys attending St Michael With St John CE primary school in the centre of Blackburn.

Their father said: “We have never had the internet before, I don’t really know how to use a laptop. But we recognised that as our boys were in school they would need it for online homework.

“I was worried that they would fall behind without it. Since we’ve had the connection from 6G Internet the boys have really enjoyed doing maths games via the school’s website.

“Now I’m trying to learn how to use it myself – I’m hoping to learn through my children.”

Ian Clough, head of digital social inclusion at 6G Internet, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus just how important an internet connection is. Home broadband can be a lifeline if you’re self-isolating and is vital to help pupils access their school work, which is why we are working with schools, charities and other agencies to get families connected at this difficult time.

“However this is wider issue than simply the impacts of lockdown. 6G is committed to a long term aim of ensuring that neither cost nor long term contract is a barrier to a basic internet connection at home.”

Organisations interested in partnering with 6G Internet can enquire at